Introducing ... the Taplature Library! Improve Your Timing on Guitar.
It's Here! The product of many years' typing, in and out of private lessons, here's a comprehensive exposition of Taplature in action,...

Perfect Power Chords from Beginner to Band!
A little knowledge and some just-above beginner level skill can go a long way. In this post we'll build step-by-step but quickly from...

String Bending Made Easy - Hidden Tips & Tricks
String bending on guitar is one of those things many never get quite right, all due to missing out on a few simple pointers. In this...

Master Singing while Strumming today (with these 6 easy loops)
Until you can do it easily, singing while strumming your guitar confidently at the same time can appear like magic. There's actually...

Learn to Play the Sweet Child O' Mine Wah Wah Lick Guitar Lesson
The screaming lick as the "Wah Wah" pedal is kicked in towards the end of Sweet Child O' Mine ties together a cascade of bends, slides,...

Anatomy of a Guitar Lick 1 - How to Play Gary Moore's Parisienne Walkways Fast Run
One of those guitar licks that's remained Greek to me forever, here we'll pull it apart and take a deep look into the difference between...

How to Improve Guitar Pull-offs & Hammers (Legato)
You too can soon have strong, clean legato technique like a guitar pro with just a few simple ideas twinned with a little effort, applied...

Country Roads Guitar Lesson: Sing while Playing!
How to practice singing and strumming at the same time to get John Denver's classic campfire song running smoothly enough to delight your...

Name that Riff! No Rhythm = No Music!
Have You Been the Victim of a Bad Tab? You May be Entitled to Information! The big problem with basic tabs, like the one shown above...

Hotel California: Slow and Close Up!
Learn how to practice this epic guitar solo played by Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh on The Eagles' most famous track with this slow (30bpm)...

How to Improve Chord Changes on Guitar ... Forever!
To date I've yet to see any evidence of this key knowledge becoming mainstream so here I'll go again, this time deeper than ever bef

Learn & Improve Swing Rhythm on Guitar
The difference between straight and swing rhythm!
~ In straight time the beat is divided into two even parts
~ In swing time we split the be